Monday, August 25, 2008

Thoughts for today In a Nutshell

I realize some things about myself that may not always be good things. I have a tendency to not worry about myself and always care about others. Which isn't always a good thing because it can get you hurt pretty quickly if you do not keep some sort of wall up. I have always told myself that I hate it when people are mad at me or there is tension. Most people I know find me very outgoing and some may think I really don't care about others opinions. Well I wish that was the case. We all have insecurities some more than others and some different than others. Hey that's life! If we weren't human we would not have these issues.

I think I need to change the way I think about things before they happen. I need to start caring for my friends and being there to support them how I can, but there is only so much you can do for people before it starts affecting you. People are going to make their own decisions, all I need to start doing is just stand back and let them do what they want to do because sometimes getting involved is not always the best thing to do. Its so hard because all I want to do is help, but I know some people just want to do what they want and if they want to change they are going to do it in their own time.

I can say this from my own personal experience, I was in a place before where I knew that things needed to change but it took time for me to finally make the decision to change this is why I feel I can write about this kind of stuff. I made decisions and pushed people away for a very long time, I now look back and realize that I was very wrong to do this. its crazy how I can see this in other people that I know.

Well I know that most of my blogs are serious but I guess this is how I get things off of my chest so I'm sorry to those of you who think I'm crazy but I like to get my thoughts out.

As Forrest Gump says "Life is like a box of chocolates you never know what you're gonna get". And that is so true, but just take a bite if you don't like it move on to the next, but at least give the piece a chance because if you don't you may regret it.

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